Equip and Motivate your Team

Usually our trainings average about 45 minutes, and are packed full of information and interaction with the intent of creating a fun learning environment for building awareness. Our goal is to have each of your team members walk away with at least one mind-changing idea that will create a desire for motivation and self-improvement to increase productivity and results in your organization. 

Customized for your Team

We customize the topic and approach to fit your team’s goals and objectives. Prior to the meeting, We would like to gather some information from you through a quick questionnaire to help us deliver an appropriate message that will benefit all participants. We ask that there be a minimum of 10 employees in attendance, that each attendee fill out a one question survey and that we have 10 minutes with an owner or hiring manager to see if the content provided and our training style may be a fit for something more formal. That’s it! 

Great Topics!

Here are a few examples of popular Lunch and Learn topics: