Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. To grow in leadership, one must grow in influence. The Maxwell Leadership Assessments, based on the teachings of John C. Maxwell, are designed to measure your current level of influence which can then be used to target your leadership growth.

This resource is designed to measure your current level of influence through your own self-assessment.​


About The Maxwell Leadership Assessment

The Maxwell Leadership Assessment is an online tool that offers a 360 degree view of your influence. As John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” To grow in leadership, you must grow in influence, and this tool is designed to gather feedback from you and others around you to identify areas and opportunities for your leadership growth.

What the Maxwell Leadership Assessment Measures:

The assessment measures 64 key leadership attributes that help leaders have success at each of the 5 levels of leadership defined in John C. Maxwell’s book The 5 Levels of Leadership:

  • Position – The leadership attributes included in this section focus on trustworthiness and commitment.

  • Permission – The leadership attributes included in this section focus on relational abilities and interpersonal skills.

  • Production – The leadership attributes included in this section focus on getting results individually, organizationally and as a team.

  • People Development – The leadership attributes included in this section focus on reproducing and developing your skills in others.

  • Pinnacle – The leadership attributes included in this section focus on who you are as a leader over time, your awareness of yourself and others.

Features of the Maxwell Leadership Assessment

  • Measurements on 64 key leadership attributes.

  • Unlimited number of raters.

  • Feedback compiled into a full-color, easy-to-read report.

  • Ability to see results on an overall basis as well as split out by rater type.

  • Leadership attributes summary at the end of the report that lists all items ranked from highest to lowest based on overall average score.

  • Written comments provided by your raters, anonymously listed in an unedited form.

  • Category scores in the areas of Position, Permission, Production, People Development, and Pinnacle from The 5 Levels of Leadership.

The Maxwell Leadership Assessment is an unparalleled tool to measure your leadership level and define a growth plan.